LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Heart Was Pure.

So much to write, but i don't wanna write it all. Sorry.
But, for now, I'll fill ya in on a few things.
IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! Ha, i turned 14. I'm older, haha. I like it :)

Um, since i was turning 14 i figure i could eat whatever on Mon. and Tues. and so practice yesterday= super bloated tummy that stuck out like a sore thumb. Yeah, i talk older now too. Haha, just kidding.

I'm not sure about what I'm at now...under 500 I'm sure tho. I'm just goona have a salad and maybe a jello, I'll stay under 100 tho, because i have a MEET TOMORROW! Man, I'm excited. DS is goona be there, so I'm probably goona try to impress him and mess up. Oh well, I'm still super excited.

My goal tomorrow is to bring like 5 jellos..and i few other things...but everything has to be super low cal, because i eat alot at track meets. I don't understand that tho. You'd think I'd barely eat, but i eat EVERYTHING i bring. Remind me to only bring like 100 cal of food, haha.

I'll probably post again tonight, just cause i haven't in a couple days. Sorry about that. Haha, i honestly didn't have time. I never really do, anymore.



    It's probably ok to have a little extra at your meets, considering you'll be burning lots and will need the energy to do well anyways. Plus there's always the saving grace of "at least they saw you eat!" right?

    Sorry about your tum at your practice today, I haaaaate that feeling!! Not only do you physically feel like crap, but mentally too. Don't worry tho, we tend to notice those things more than other people!

    LOL good luck with DS and everything track-related tomorrow!! Stay skinny!! <3

  2. Happy birthday for yesterday!
    Don't worry about the bloat, it will only be you that noticed :)
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x
